On October 19, 2023, an off-site meeting of the reclamation Section of the Scientific Council of the AFI FSBI "Actual aspects of field experimentation on drainage systems" was held. The pilot production site of the drainage melioration "Leninskie Iskry", operated by CJSC "Preportovy", was chosen as the venue for its holding. The meeting was attended by members of the reclamation section, employees of the Agrophysical Institute and practitioners.
The actual problems associated with the cultivation of field crops within the experimental production site of the drainage melioration "Leninskie Iskry" were revealed in his message by the agronomist for plant protection of CJSC "Preportovy" V.Y. Mamonov. Director of SevNIIGiM N.N. Kovalchuk reported on the formation of a network of experimental reclamation systems of SevNIIGiM and a pilot production site of drainage reclamation "Leninskie Iskry". The interim results of the evaluation of the 33-variant experimental drainage system were highlighted in the report of Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.I. Shtykov. A.F. Petrushin, a leading researcher at the FSBI AFI, introduced the information and analytical capabilities of assessing the state of experimental drainage systems to the participants of the meeting. During the discussion, a plan was outlined for the deployment of monitoring studies within the experimental production site of the Lenin Sparks drainage reclamation and a corresponding resolution was adopted.