On March 21, 2024, a meeting of the reclamation section of the Academic Council of the FSBSI AFI "Improving the scientific, methodological and personnel support for reclamation in the Non-Black Earth Region" was held, in which employees of the FGBI AFI, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education RGAU-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, FGBNU "VNIIGiM named after A.N. Kostyakov", Academy of Management and Agribusiness of St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after. Peter the Great, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education PGUPS of Emperor Alexander I, as well as managers and specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Administration "Sevzapmeliovodkhoz", Federal State Budgetary Institution "Administration "Kaliningradmeliovodkhoz", LLC "Lenvodproekt", GSAC "Leningradsky", LLC "Agrokhimzem", JSC "Predportovy", LLC "Institute for Integrated Use and Protection of Water Resources". Having discussed pressing issues of ensuring the activities of the reclamation complex of the Non-Chernozem Zone in terms of ensuring the operability of closed drainage systems and training of qualified personnel, the meeting participants noted: - comprehensive reclamation of agricultural land is a fundamental, time-tested means of targeted formation and effective use of the agro-resource and socio-economic potential of the Non-Chernozem Zone of Russia; - in conditions when the ownerlessness of reclamation systems is 36-82% in the regions of New Zealand, and the depreciation of fixed assets is more than 80%, changes in Federal legislation (FZ-4) make it almost mandatory to carry out a complete inventory of the entire property reclamation complex (cadastral registration , write-off, etc.), legal registration of all objects, incl. state conductive network, technical condition assessment. The legal, information and analytical framework for this has not been developed; - according to state monitoring, up to 30% of the area of reclamation systems is in satisfactory condition and 5% is in good technical condition. 8-17% of drainage systems provide standard drying conditions, more than 80% require major repairs and reconstruction. A selective assessment of their condition showed: the average degree of siltation of drains is in the range of 60-87%; at least 15% of the drains have lost their functionality due to local damage, more often by the root systems of the DKR and soil subsidence or complete silting; up to 80% of drain heads and closed sewers are in dire need of repair. However, the regulatory and information-analytical base for carrying out repair and restoration work is outdated; - the organizational, economic and personnel composition of the reclamation complex has now been reduced by more than 10 times. Targeted training of personnel for the reclamation complex in the Non-Chernozem Zone has virtually ceased. In the areas 01/35/11 - hydro-reclamation and 03/20/02 - reclamation, reclamation and land protection, only two universities train specialists, and the reclamation profile is excluded from the list of agronomic specialties; - based on the volume of tasks to be solved in the Doctrine of Food Security and the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation in the next decade, taking into account modern technological support for the reclamation complex and information and technical support for scientific research, the need for qualified personnel will be 18 - 20 thousand professional workers and up to 5 thousand. – specialists, incl. in the research and educational spheres up to 1.0 thousand specialists, in survey and design - up to 1.5 thousand specialists, in the construction and operational sphere - up to 2.5 thousand specialists.