For the first time, the IX International Congress "Weak and Ultraweak Fields and Radiation in Biology and Medicine", dedicated to its creator - Lidia Nikolaevna Gall (1934-2023), was held within the walls of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Agrophysical Research Institute" (FSBI API) from October 2 to 4, 2024, under the auspices of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences.). The Co-chairs of the Program Committee made a welcoming speech: Director of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution AFI Yu.V. Chesnokov, who noted the importance of research on the effects of electromagnetic fields for applied agriculture and the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation as a whole, and Director of the Institute of Analytical Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.A. Evstrapov, who emphasized the key role of the development of theoretical concepts and experimental confirmations, as well as expressed hope for fruitful work and further development of this branch of modern science.
The topics of the Congress cover a wide range of research at the intersection of physics, biology and chemistry, devoted to the study of the effects of physical factors on biological objects: weak – extremely small, located near the limit of the capabilities of modern experimental detection methods, and ultra–small - beyond the capabilities of direct measurement.
The Congress was devoted to topical areas of ecology, biology and medicine related to the study of the mechanisms of action of ultra-low doses of chemical agents, weak and ultra-weak radiation and physical fields: electromagnetic, magnetic, gravitational and acoustic on biological objects, as well as environmental and medical the consequences of these impacts.
The areas of work of the Congress included:
1. Research, physical models and mechanisms of action of weak factors at the molecular and cellular levels of the organization of biological objects.
2. Weak impacts at the organizational and population levels and the stability of life processes in the biosphere.
3. New applied non-medicinal technologies in medicine.
4. The role of electromagnetic fields in the functioning of plants.
More than 100 participants registered for the IX Congress, 55 of them made face-to-face presentations and 11 scientists talked about their results via videoconference.
The IX International Congress began its work on October 2, 2024. In the introductory report "On the contribution of Lidia Nikolaevna Gall to modern theoretical biophysics" – the concepts of "matter of a living system" and "quantum of action" created by her, Nikolai Rostislavovich Gall told. He noted that L.N. Gall was the organizer and permanent head of the Congress, which met regularly every three years since 1997. In recent decades, L.N. Gall has conducted intensive research in the field of biophysics, where she formulated a revolutionary concept of the role of water in living organisms.
The congress ended with a summing up, a conclusion about the interesting, fruitful work full of useful information and the need to develop systemic interdisciplinary research. A proposal has been put forward to continue holding the Congress every three years.