Fulfillment of fundamental and priority applied, engineering and experimental studies; introduction of scientific achievements aimed at obtaining new knowledge in the field of agriculture and plant production.
Scientific support of the development and implementation of measures for management of agro-ecological systems and for improving their sustainability in conditions of global and regional climate changes using agro-physical tools and methods; development of innovative methodology of field experiments and experimental works for bio-polygons of scientific institutions; development and implementation of the automated information-measuring software systems for agro-monitoring and the intelligent systems for supporting technological solutions in agriculture and land reclamation; development of innovative biotechnologies for obtaining genetic selection material and plant products.
The institute has demonstrated following key aims of its activity: implementation of scientific, technological and technical achievements; publication of scientific works, conference proceedings, methodical recommendations, monographs, books and other scientific and technical products; scientific advisory services to individuals and legal entities.
The main scientific achievements of the institute:
- modern systems of precision agriculture and protected cultivation of crops;
- methods and technical tools for monitoring and remote diagnostics of state of crops, soils and surface boundary air layers;
- methodological recommendations for measurements and quantification of direct emissions of greenhouse gases from agricultural soils;
- methodology for randomized prediction of changes in parameters of soil – plant system and for assessment of agronomical and agro-climate risks in current conditions of climate change;
- set of agrophysical facilities for scientific studies;
- plant growth and climatic facilities for aims of plant selection;
- field stationary and mobile information-measuring agro-meteorological systems for controlling irrigation and water-regulating complexes, information-measuring system of phytomonitoring with micro-sensors for facilities of protected cultivation of crops.
In the field of light physiology and genetics the scientists of the institute have developed:
- strategy of development of new hybrids and cultivars of vegetable crops on the basis of theory of ecological genetic organization of quantitative triats for the development of automated resource-saving technologies of crop production;
- technique of complex assessment of biological and economic suitability of seed material for increasing quality of cereal seeds and cereal yields.
In the field of precision agriculture the following developments have been done:
- methodology for complex use of tools for remote sensing of state, prediction and management of production processes of fodder crops;
- scientific basis of decision making systems for development of automated systems of management;
- computer program for solving of GIS aims for planning and implementation agrotechnologies;
- methods and algorhitms of adaptive management of soil acidity.
In the field of agroclimatology the following developments have been made:
- criterions and parameters of state of agro-ecosystems for decision making on management of agrometeorological and agronomic risks to minimize losses of crop yields;
- technique of evaluating the water consumption by crops;
- database of agrometeorological parameters of system of monitoring of microclimate on arable fields for calculating the components of energy balance;
In the field of instrument construction the following developments have been carried out:
- prototype of mobile measuring complex and technique of mapping of physical state of soil plough layers on ameliorated lands using GIS positioning to measure soil moisture content.
In the field of chemical amelioration and field trials:
- peculiarities of optical characteristics of spring wheat crops have been studied as related to rates of seeding and nitrogen fertilizers;
- methodology of monitoring of heterogeneity of ameliorated lands’ state using software and hardware tools of precision agriculture has been developed for increasing the accuracy of prediction of soil fertility parameters and for development of ways of management of agro-technologies;
- new ways of testing of ameliorants for increasing informativeness of field experiments at evaluating efficiency of chemical amelioration;
- new combined results have been obtained on effects of soil factors on rates of microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification, rates of formation of nitrous oxide in soil profiles and its direct emissions from soils.